Discover, learn, and share your passion for cigars with our innovative web application. Explore a diverse range of cigar profiles, add your own insights, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. With features like curated collections of featured cigars, mood matching, and personalized recommendations, elevate your cigar experience to new heights. Join our community and embark on a journey of discovery and enjoyment with every puff
Emphasoft did web application development, mobile Design, server settings, back-end, front-end
Front-end -3
Back-end - 2
Design (temporary) -1
QA tester - 1
Client does not have an in-house development team. Client has an inhouse designer.
Emphasoft also invloved a designer to release mobile app version faster
Key features of the project:
NextJs + React - front-end part of application
Postgres, Amazon RDS - for database management
AWS as a cloud server
To optimize Database search, we implemented Elastic search Deploy
Python for back-end development of web applications
CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery)
Playwright Github API was used for interacting with web page elements
HTML and CSS were used. These are fundamental technologies used in web application development to create the structure, layout, and visual appearance of web pages.
These are fundamental technologies used in web application development.
Currenctly, we continue maintaning and supporting product.
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